The Corporation shall be known as Deaf Centre Manitoba Inc., hereinafter called DCM Inc.
Board of Directors:
The Deaf Centre Manitoba Inc. Board shall be active or associate members in good standing of the Deaf Community.
Responsibility of Board
The affairs of the DCM Inc shall be managed by the Board of Directors. The Board acts as a whole in developing policy for the organization and shall oversee the legal, financial and program responsibilities of DCM Inc.
Board Quorum
A quorum of the Board shall be 50% +1 of the Directors, the majority of whom shall be Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of hearing.
Duties of Board
Good standing of Deaf Community
To establish policy for DCM Inc in accordance with the stated purpose, philosophy, and objectives of DCM Inc.
To provide for adequate financial control of DCM Inc funds.
To provide financial reports as agreed upon between DCM Inc and funders.
Number of Directors
There shall be a maximum of 10 and no less than 5 Directors of whom 50% +1 must be Deaf.
Term of Office
The term of office of each Director shall be one year.
Board of Directors 2024-2025
Sheila Montney Chairperson
Rita Bomak Vice Chairperson
Vacant Secretary
Douglas Momotiuk Treasurer
Doug McKechnie Director at Large
Kenneth Anderson Director at Large
Cynthia Duboff Director at Large
Sarah Halek Director at Large
Alexandra Calbay-Martin Executive Director Deaf Centre Manitoba Inc. Deaf Resource Centre